Exploring the Southern Upland Way

Images © Eddie Webb
I can recall the publicity surrounding the launch of the Southern Upland Way, over 40 years ago. As Scotland's only coast to coast route stretching around 217 miles shore to shore, I couldn't help but get wrapped up in the excitement. This was my 21st year of life, to me it felt like the most exciting challenge since man walked on the moon. Planning began post haste, but life's diversions for a 21 year old are many and ever present. So the plan was delayed and mostly forgotten.

I'm unclear as to what our expectation was, as two guys spending 14 days together was going to be challenging enough. We decided 15 mile days on average was doable, even at our age. Confusingly, the initial route took us North headed to Kiltringan lighthouse before finally striking west. 14 days later we were to emerge largely unscathed and still on speaking terms into Cockburnspath, having diverted quickly down into Cove harbour to dip our feet in the North Sea.
So, what was the Southern Upland way to me? As I look back on my notes and excitable Facebook posts at the time, I wrote that it was "stunning beauty wrapped in a challenge with the enigma of hidden treasure thrown in, what's not to love". I clearly felt I was Ernest Hemingway.
The route was a challenge, but its various beauties are what I recall the most. My notes are full of the bird song on the route as I had recently taught myself to recognise many birdsongs as a Covid project (I also had the aid of a clever app on my phone). 11 days of multiple cuckoo calls, which I suspect I may never experience again, spoke of the remoteness of the path. Another sight of note was the famous naturalist sculptor Andy Goldsworthy's three arches, nestled gracefully on the top of the hills above Sanquhar. The bothies on the route, little havens of rest - like the Polskeoch bothy with its colourful, lively painted bookshelves created by a local lady, was a delightful stop over if only for lunch.

This is a walk steeped in Covenanter history - one day leaving the track to visit Linns tomb, the final resting place of a minister shot out on the moor. A detour we regretted at that time as the grave was surrounded by wet sticky bog.
In the area of the big hills as you leave Dumfries and Galloway and enter Borders regions, we looked to the skies for sight of the soaring Golden eagle - where it is thought as many as 35 now reside as part of a reintroduction programme over a number of years.
The almost childish fun of the hidden treasure strung out across the many miles of the trail where posts marked with the "Ultriea" signal, a hidden kist box with unique coins to be cherished- 13 kists, 13 treasure hunts. We found ten, missing three due to the inattentiveness of my walking partner.

So our walk became less about the path less trodden, although filled with great walking and wonderful views, it was more a journey of sight, smell and sound. Looking back now to my closing remarks from my notes, I clearly at the time believed the spirit of Robert Burns resided within me and I found these closing words to encapsulate my journey.
- Sharp smell of sheep and the sweet smell of gorse
- Tadpoles in potholes, cuckoos and curlews
- Timber stacks and backpacks
- Hilltop arches and boggy marshes
- A bothy library, turbine blades and reiver raids
- Dry stane dykes, a hill top golf ball and a clear spring waterfall
- Roman roads and herring trails
- Ruins and mansions and deep water lochans
- Found and missed kists, bluebells aplenty, skylark companions
- One way
- Twin law
- Three brethren
- 20 metres of rock tape
- 550,000 steps
- 217 miles done

If you're feeling inspired by Eddie's story, you can join the Southern Upland Way - UK National Trail Facebook group to keep up to date with Eddie and any news about the trail. Walkers of the trail also use the group to share their own experiences and photos they've captured of the route.
If you are planning on walking this beautiful trail for yourself, you can plan your trip using the HARVEY Southern Upland Way Map.
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